Our repeaters, located in Perkasie, Pennsylvania, are available on the following frequencies and bands:
W3AI – 2 Meters – 145.310 (-), PL 131.8
W3AI – 440 – 444.750 (+), PL 103.5

Mailing Address

RF Hill Amateur Radio Club – W3AI
PO Box 336
Perkasie, Pennsylvania 18944-0336

Solar-Terrestrial Data


Southeastern Pennsylvania Practice and Traffic Net

The Southeastern Pennsylvania Practice and Traffic Net, SEPPTN, Traffic Nets are on Sundays and Wednesdays at 8:00 PM Local Time on the W3AI repeater at 145.310 MHz (-600) with a PL Tone of 131.8 and W3AI – 444.750 (+), PL 103.5.  These nets are for anyone who would like to learn how to handle traffic as well as an on the air meeting place for members, future members, and those who would like to check in and discuss amateur radio.

Club Presentations on the National Traffic System

By Jim Cottrell (KB3DEN)

Power Point Presentation
RF Hill NTS_KB3DEN_2019
Link to NTS presentation video at the club meeting by Jim Cottrell (KB3DEN)
NTS Video

Net Control Stations 

Jim KB3DEN, Kevin KW3P, Jim WA3YLQ

Net Listings for our Area

SEPPTN – Southeastern Pennsylvania Practice and Traffic Net
Sun, Wed; 8:00 PM; 145.310 (-) pl 131.8 and 444.70+ pl103.5 linked for the nets.

RF Hill A-R-C Ten Meter AM Net, 29.005 MHz on Sunday evening immediately following the SEPPTN – Southeastern Pennsylvania Practice and Traffic Net

RF Hill CW Squad Net: Operates on the 10  meter band on 28.37060 CW at approximately 7pm Tuesday stopping before the NPARC net which begins at 8pm.  This is an informal slow speed net for beginners and ranges in speed from 5-15 wpm.

NPARC – 10 Meter net, 28.370 Mhz USB, Tuesdays at 8:00 PM local (EST)
This Net is a social and technical group and all Amateurs are invited, regardless of location or club affiliation. The NPARC Net especially encourages new Hams and those who would like to try something other than FM and repeaters, to visit.

EPAEPTN – EPA Emergency Phone and Traffic Net
Daily; 5:00 PM; 3.918 MHz +/-

EPA – Eastern Pennsylvania CW Net (Fast 20 WPM Minimum)
Daily; 7:00 PM and 10:00 PM; 3.537 MHz

Third Region Net
Daily; 4:00 PM; 3.918 MHz

Pennsylvania Phone Net
Daily; 5:30 PM; 3.958 MHz